Keep Your Pantry Organized “Closet Cooking”

We have some suggestions for you if you ever wished you could organize the pantries like those on Closet Cooking. According to the Lemon Bowl, pantry organization has many little benefits. Home-cooked meals are more …

We have some suggestions for you if you ever wished you could organize the pantries like those on Closet Cooking. According to the Lemon Bowl, pantry organization has many little benefits. Home-cooked meals are more fun to make and you can control which snacks your kids will grab quickly.

These are not extras, but side-effects of organization. These benefits have major effects on your grocery bill as well as your space usage. This saves money and helps keep clutter to a minimum.

Maximize the Space you Have

The most important reason to organize your pantry, is to have enough space for all the things you need. You can organize your space better than a typical pantry that has only basic shelves.

Static shelves don’t work as well as they should. You should make your shelves adjustable. Otherwise, you could end up with a lot of wasted space. You can customize your shelving layout to suit your needs. This allows you to have more storage options such as a Lazy-Susan, which rotates and keeps labels and ingredients visible. You can also make use of space behind doors or in tight spaces with shelves that are shallow for canned goods. You can include slots for serving pieces or trays, a rack to hang tablecloths, Closet cooking with a drawer above to store napkins, roll out baskets, and even wine cubbies in your custom layout. This is smart storage!

Reduce Spoilage, Duplication and Closet Cooking

Food waste is on the rise and the numbers speak for themselves. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United States estimates that there is 1.6 billion tonnes of food waste worldwide. This is three times the volume of Lake Geneva. Food wastage, which excludes seafood and fish, has a direct economic impact of approximately $750 billion per year.

It is possible to do our part and take a few minutes each week to go through and organize our pantry. By not having to throw out expired products, you can save money and avoid waste. A good pantry Closet Cooking organization will help you rotate items towards the front so that there is less chance of it being lost in the back. Dry ingredients should be stored in metal, plastic, or glass containers to ensure the best shelf life. Glass jars can be used to store grains, flour, dried fruits, cereals, pasta, and other dry goods.